This weekend we got to go to Dallas. Friday we went to the State Fair.
One word sums it up: fried. Everything was fried. This years winner for "Most Creative" fried food was Fried Beer, we didn't try it, but we did try the "Best Taste" winner which was Texas Fried Fritos Pie.
It is chili and cheese in a fritos crust and deep fried. MMM! I couldn't believe all of the fried food people were eating! I think just the Frito Pie took a year off of my life, although it was really good.
Other highlights included the pig racing and light show they did at night. So when it got dark, they coordinated lights and water to music, it was pretty cool. If it wasn't getting so late I would upload the video of it on here, but it takes awhile, and I am getting sleepy.
Saturday morning we went to the Dallas Temple. It was definitely very unique looking.
You have to be creative about when you get to go to the temple, since it is so far away here.
And of course, we went to the BYU Football game, I am almost embarrassed to mention it since Jennifer pointed out that is all we talk about on our blog. I guess the only time we do something worth writing about centers around a football game. Anyways, I won't dwell on it too long since BYU lost, although not as badly as some thought they might have. It was still fun to be able to cheer for BYU again! Go Cougars!
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