I'd never been on a cruise before, and walking up to the ship was an experience. This thing was immense:
Here's a picture of the boat |
One of the best things about the cruise was all the food we got to eat. Buffet's were available all day long, and we made sure to take advantage of them. The dinners were spectacular. One night they asked everyone to dress up:
Our waiter was funny and made each of us feel comfortable. We met three couples at the dinner table, and became fast friends with them.
But I think my favorite part of all the food was the deserts. We could have as many deserts as we wanted to, and they always had an ice cream soft serve machine available. This is what I ordered one night:
Yes, I ordered the special Mother's Day desert. It looked delicious. And I think I ordered a chocolate lava cake every night as well. |
Another great thing about the cruise was the fact that we didn't have to make the bed, and our room got cleaned twice a day. Every night, the staff used towels to create animals:

Before we left for the cruise, I had applied for an internship, and we set up the interview time for Monday at 11:00 am. Our cruise was supposed to be over at 8:00 am, giving me plenty of time (I thought) to make it to Houston for the interview. Well, Saturday night, after we left Cozumel, the Captain made an announcement. He informed us that someone needed immediate medical attention, and we were returning to Cozumel so she could get to the hospital. We had been traveling for nearly six hours, and turned around. Andrea and I went to the front of the boat, and we were cruising! The boat was going fast trying to get back to Cozumel quickly. The Captain thought that we would try to make up lost time Saturday night and Sunday, but I guess they decided against that. Sunday morning, they informed us we would not be arriving until 3:30 Monday afternoon. You can just imagine the outcry from the passengers, but the cruise opened up the internet and phone lines so people could rearrange schedules. I wasn't quite sure if the internship was going to work for me, because it was part-time in Houston, so I took this as a sign to decline the interview. I emailed the company, and thanked them for the opportunity, but declined the interview. The extra few hours on the boat were nice. We were able to sleep in, and eat a good meal (or two) before debarking.
I also interviewed for 2 different GAR's (Graduate Assistant Researcher) at the Bush school over the last week, but on Thursday, I was informed that I did not receive either. I felt that either GAR would be perfect for me, and one of them wanted me to work in the summer which would have been wonderful! I thought it was a great fit for both me and the GAR, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. So right now, the plan is for me to intern at the Financial Aid Office for 20 hours a week, and I decided to sign up for 2 classes this summer. I'm going to take some finance courses, trying to strengthen my skills in hopes for a job next year. Classes don't start until after Memorial Day, so I have a nice break before then. Andrea and I are hoping something will come up for me that works with my schedule, especially for the fall, but we'll continue to trust the Lord that He has a plan for us and continue to try and keep the commandments.